view src/auth/auth-digest-md5.c @ 765:553f050c8313 HEAD

Added buffer API. Point is to hide all buffer writing behind this API which verifies that nothing overflows. Much better than doing the same checks all around the code, even if it is slightly slower. Buffer reading is still mostly done directly, that isn't such a big security risk and I can't think of a reasonable API for it anyway.
author Timo Sirainen <>
date Sun, 08 Dec 2002 07:23:07 +0200
parents adefba58053b
children fff9f94f1686
line wrap: on
line source

/* Copyright (C) 2002 Timo Sirainen */

/* Digest-MD5 SASL authentication, see rfc-2831 */

#include "common.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "hex-binary.h"
#include "md5.h"
#include "randgen.h"
#include "temp-string.h"

#include "auth.h"
#include "cookie.h"
#include "userinfo.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#define SERVICE_TYPE "imap"

/* Linear whitespace */
#define IS_LWS(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')

typedef enum {
	QOP_AUTH	= 0x01,	/* authenticate */
	QOP_AUTH_INT	= 0x02, /* + integrity protection, not supported yet */
	QOP_AUTH_CONF	= 0x04, /* + encryption, not supported yet */

} QopOption;

static char *qop_names[] = { "auth", "auth-int", "auth-conf" };

typedef struct {
	Pool pool;
	unsigned int authenticated:1;

	/* requested: */
	char *nonce;
	QopOption qop;

	/* received: */
	char *realm; /* may be NULL */
	char *username;
	char *cnonce;
	char *nonce_count;
	char *qop_value;
	char *digest_uri; /* may be NULL */
	unsigned char response[32];
	unsigned long maxbuf;
	unsigned int nonce_found:1;

	/* final reply: */
	char *rspauth;
        AuthCookieReplyData cookie_reply;
} AuthData;

static const char *get_digest_challenge(AuthData *auth)
	TempString *qoplist, *realms;
	Buffer *buf;
	char *const *tmp;
	unsigned char nonce[16];
	int i;

	   realm="hostname" (multiple allowed)
	   nonce="randomized data, at least 64bit"
	   maxbuf=number (with auth-int, auth-conf, defaults to 64k)
	   charset="utf-8" (iso-8859-1 if it doesn't exist)
	   cipher="3des,des,rc4-40,rc4,rc4-56" (with auth-conf)

	/* get 128bit of random data as nonce */
	random_fill(nonce, sizeof(nonce));

	buf = buffer_create_static(data_stack_pool,

	base64_encode(nonce, sizeof(nonce), buf);
	buffer_append_c(buf, '\0');
	auth->nonce = p_strdup(auth->pool, buffer_get_data(buf, NULL));

	/* get list of allowed QoPs */
	qoplist = t_string_new(32);
	for (i = 0; i < QOP_COUNT; i++) {
		if (auth->qop & (1 << i)) {
			if (qoplist->len > 0)
				t_string_append_c(qoplist, ',');
			t_string_append(qoplist, qop_names[i]);

	realms = t_string_new(128);
	for (tmp = auth_realms; *tmp != NULL; tmp++) {
		if (realms->len > 0)
			t_string_append_c(realms, ',');
		t_string_printfa(realms, "realm=\"%s\"", *tmp);

	return t_strconcat(realms->str,
			   "nonce=\"", auth->nonce, "\",",
			   "qop-options=\"", qoplist->str, "\",",

static int verify_auth(AuthData *auth)
	MD5Context ctx;
	unsigned char digest[16];
	const char *a1_hex, *a2_hex, *response_hex;
	int i;

	/* we should have taken care of this at startup */
	i_assert(userinfo->lookup_digest_md5 != NULL);

	/* get the MD5 password */
	if (!userinfo->lookup_digest_md5(auth->username, auth->realm != NULL ?
					 auth->realm : "", digest,
		return FALSE;

	   response =
	     HEX( KD ( HEX(H(A1)),
		     { nonce-value, ":" nc-value, ":",
		       cnonce-value, ":", qop-value, ":", HEX(H(A2)) }))

	   and since we don't support authzid yet:

	   A1 = { H( { username-value, ":", realm-value, ":", passwd } ),
		":", nonce-value, ":", cnonce-value }

	   If the "qop" directive's value is "auth", then A2 is:
	      A2       = { "AUTHENTICATE:", digest-uri-value }
	   If the "qop" value is "auth-int" or "auth-conf" then A2 is:
	      A2       = { "AUTHENTICATE:", digest-uri-value,
		       ":00000000000000000000000000000000" }

	/* A1 */
	md5_update(&ctx, digest, 16);
	md5_update(&ctx, ":", 1);
	md5_update(&ctx, auth->nonce, strlen(auth->nonce));
	md5_update(&ctx, ":", 1);
	md5_update(&ctx, auth->cnonce, strlen(auth->cnonce));
	md5_final(&ctx, digest);
	a1_hex = binary_to_hex(digest, 16);

	/* do it twice, first verify the user's response, the second is
	   sent for client as a reply */
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		/* A2 */
		if (i == 0)
			md5_update(&ctx, "AUTHENTICATE:", 13);
			md5_update(&ctx, ":", 1);

		if (auth->digest_uri != NULL) {
			md5_update(&ctx, auth->digest_uri,
		if (auth->qop == QOP_AUTH_INT || auth->qop == QOP_AUTH_CONF)
			md5_update(&ctx, ":00000000000000000000000000000000", 33);
		md5_final(&ctx, digest);
		a2_hex = binary_to_hex(digest, 16);

		/* response */
		md5_update(&ctx, a1_hex, 32);
		md5_update(&ctx, ":", 1);
		md5_update(&ctx, auth->nonce, strlen(auth->nonce));
		md5_update(&ctx, ":", 1);
		md5_update(&ctx, auth->nonce_count, strlen(auth->nonce_count));
		md5_update(&ctx, ":", 1);
		md5_update(&ctx, auth->cnonce, strlen(auth->cnonce));
		md5_update(&ctx, ":", 1);
		md5_update(&ctx, auth->qop_value, strlen(auth->qop_value));
		md5_update(&ctx, ":", 1);
		md5_update(&ctx, a2_hex, 32);
		md5_final(&ctx, digest);
		response_hex = binary_to_hex(digest, 16);

		if (i == 0) {
			/* verify response */
			if (memcmp(response_hex, auth->response, 32) != 0)
				return FALSE;
		} else {
			auth->rspauth = p_strconcat(auth->pool, "rspauth=",
						    response_hex, NULL);

	return TRUE;

static int verify_realm(const char *realm)
	char *const *tmp;

	for (tmp = auth_realms; *tmp != NULL; tmp++) {
		if (strcasecmp(realm, *tmp) == 0)
			return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

static int parse_next(char **data, char **key, char **value)
	char *p, *dest;

	p = *data;
	while (IS_LWS(*p)) p++;

	/* get key */
	*key = p;
	while (*p != '\0' && *p != '=' && *p != ',')

	if (*p != '=') {
		*data = p;
		return FALSE;

	*value = p+1;

	/* skip trailing whitespace in key */
	while (IS_LWS(p[-1]))
	*p = '\0';

	/* get value */
	p = *value;
	while (IS_LWS(*p)) p++;

	if (*p != '"') {
		while (*p != '\0' && *p != ',')

		*data = p+1;
		while (IS_LWS(p[-1]))
		*p = '\0';
	} else {
		/* quoted string */
		*value = dest = ++p;
		while (*p != '\0' && *p != '"') {
			if (*p == '\\' && p[1] != '\0')
			*dest++ = *p++;

		*data = *p == '"' ? p+1 : p;
		*dest = '\0';

	return TRUE;

/* remove leading and trailing whitespace */
static char *trim(char *str)
	char *ret;

	while (IS_LWS(*str)) str++;
	ret = str;

	while (*str != '\0') str++;
	if (str > ret) {
		while (IS_LWS(str[-1])) str--;
		*str = '\0';

	return ret;

static int auth_handle_response(AuthData *auth, char *key, char *value,
				const char **error)
	int i;


	if (strcmp(key, "realm") == 0) {
		if (!verify_realm(value)) {
			*error = "Invalid realm";
			return FALSE;
		if (auth->realm == NULL)
			auth->realm = p_strdup(auth->pool, value);
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "username") == 0) {
		if (auth->username != NULL) {
			*error = "username must not exist more than once";
			return FALSE;

		if (*value == '\0') {
			*error = "empty username";
			return FALSE;

		auth->username = p_strdup(auth->pool, value);
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "nonce") == 0) {
		/* nonce must be same */
		if (strcmp(value, auth->nonce) != 0) {
			*error = "Invalid nonce";
			return FALSE;

		auth->nonce_found = TRUE;
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "cnonce") == 0) {
		if (auth->cnonce != NULL) {
			*error = "cnonce must not exist more than once";
			return FALSE;

		if (*value == '\0') {
			*error = "cnonce can't contain empty value";
			return FALSE;

		auth->cnonce = p_strdup(auth->pool, value);
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "nonce-count") == 0) {
		if (auth->nonce_count != NULL) {
			*error = "nonce-count must not exist more than once";
			return FALSE;

		if (atoi(value) != 1) {
			*error = "re-auth not supported currently";
			return FALSE;

		auth->nonce_count = p_strdup(auth->pool, value);
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "qop") == 0) {
		for (i = 0; i < QOP_COUNT; i++) {
			if (strcasecmp(qop_names[i], value) == 0)

		if (i == QOP_COUNT) {
			*error = "Unknown QoP value";
			return FALSE;

		auth->qop &= (1 << i);
		if (auth->qop == 0) {
			*error = "Nonallowed QoP requested";
			return FALSE;

		auth->qop_value = p_strdup(auth->pool, value);
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "digest-uri") == 0) {
		/* type / host / serv-name */
		char *const *uri = t_strsplit(value, "/");

		if (uri[0] == NULL || uri[1] == NULL) {
			*error = "Invalid digest-uri";
			return FALSE;

		if (strcasecmp(trim(uri[0]), SERVICE_TYPE) != 0) {
			*error = "Unexpected service type in digest-uri";
			return FALSE;

		/* FIXME: RFC recommends that we verify the host/serv-type.
		   But isn't the realm enough already? That'd be just extra
		   configuration.. Maybe optionally list valid hosts in
		   config file? */
		auth->digest_uri = p_strdup(auth->pool, value);
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "maxbuf") == 0) {
		if (auth->maxbuf != 0) {
			*error = "maxbuf must not exist more than once";
			return FALSE;

		auth->maxbuf = strtoul(value, NULL, 10);
		if (auth->maxbuf == 0) {
			*error = "Invalid maxbuf value";
			return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "charset") == 0) {
		if (strcasecmp(value, "utf-8") != 0) {
			*error = "Only utf-8 charset is allowed";
			return FALSE;

		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "response") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) != 32) {
			*error = "Invalid response value";
			return FALSE;

		memcpy(auth->response, value, 32);
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "cipher") == 0) {
		/* not supported, ignore */
		return TRUE;

	if (strcmp(key, "authzid") == 0) {
		/* not supported, abort */
		return FALSE;

	/* unknown key, ignore */
	return TRUE;

static int parse_digest_response(AuthData *auth, const char *data,
				 size_t size, const char **error)
	char *copy, *key, *value;
	int failed;

	   nonce="randomized data"
	   response=32 HEX digits
	   maxbuf=number (with auth-int, auth-conf, defaults to 64k)
	   charset="utf-8" (iso-8859-1 if it doesn't exist)


	failed = FALSE;

	copy = t_strdup_noconst(t_strndup(data, size));
	while (*copy != '\0') {
		if (parse_next(&copy, &key, &value)) {
			if (!auth_handle_response(auth, key, value, error)) {
				failed = TRUE;

		if (*copy == ',')

	if (!auth->nonce_found) {
		*error = "Missing nonce parameter";
		failed = TRUE;
	} else if (auth->cnonce == NULL) {
		*error = "Missing cnonce parameter";
		failed = TRUE;
	} else if (auth->username == NULL) {
		*error = "Missing username parameter";
		failed = TRUE;

	if (auth->nonce_count == NULL)
		auth->nonce_count = p_strdup(auth->pool, "00000001");
	if (auth->qop_value == NULL)
		auth->qop_value = p_strdup(auth->pool, "auth");

	if (!failed && !verify_auth(auth)) {
		*error = "Authentication failed";
		failed = TRUE;


	/* error message is actually ignored here, we could send it to
	   syslog or maybe to client, but it's not specified if that's
	   allowed and how. */
	return !failed;

static void auth_digest_md5_continue(CookieData *cookie,
				     AuthContinuedRequestData *request,
				     const unsigned char *data,
				     AuthCallback callback, void *context)
	AuthData *auth = cookie->context;
	AuthReplyData reply;
	const char *error;

	/* initialize reply */
	memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply)); = request->id;
	memcpy(reply.cookie, cookie->cookie, AUTH_COOKIE_SIZE);

	if (auth->authenticated) {
		/* authentication is done, we were just waiting the last
		   word from client */
		auth->cookie_reply.success = TRUE;
		reply.result = AUTH_RESULT_SUCCESS;
		callback(&reply, NULL, context);

	if (parse_digest_response(auth, (const char *) data,
					 request->data_size, &error)) {
		/* authentication ok */
		reply.result = AUTH_RESULT_CONTINUE;

		reply.data_size = strlen(auth->rspauth);
		callback(&reply, (const unsigned char *) auth->rspauth,
		auth->authenticated = TRUE;

	/* failed */
	reply.result = AUTH_RESULT_FAILURE;
	callback(&reply, (const unsigned char *) error, context);

static int auth_digest_md5_fill_reply(CookieData *cookie,
				      AuthCookieReplyData *reply)
	AuthData *auth = cookie->context;

	if (!auth->authenticated)
		return FALSE;

	memcpy(reply, &auth->cookie_reply, sizeof(AuthCookieReplyData));
	return TRUE;

static void auth_digest_md5_free(CookieData *cookie)
	pool_unref(((AuthData *) cookie->context)->pool);

static void auth_digest_md5_init(AuthInitRequestData *request,
				 AuthCallback callback, void *context)
	CookieData *cookie;
	AuthReplyData reply;
	AuthData *auth;
	Pool pool;
	const char *challenge;

	pool = pool_create("Digest-MD5", 256, FALSE);
	auth = p_new(pool, AuthData, 1);
	auth->pool = pool;

	auth->qop = QOP_AUTH;

	cookie = p_new(pool, CookieData, 1);
	cookie->auth_fill_reply = auth_digest_md5_fill_reply;
	cookie->auth_continue = auth_digest_md5_continue;
	cookie->free = auth_digest_md5_free;
	cookie->context = auth;


	/* initialize reply */
	memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply)); = request->id;
	reply.result = AUTH_RESULT_CONTINUE;
	memcpy(reply.cookie, cookie->cookie, AUTH_COOKIE_SIZE);

	/* send the initial challenge */

	challenge = get_digest_challenge(auth);
	reply.data_size = strlen(challenge);
	callback(&reply, (const unsigned char *) challenge, context);


AuthModule auth_digest_md5 = {