view src/master/auth-process.c @ 925:2e649dec0f09 HEAD

Auth and login processes send an "we're ok" reply at the end of initialization. If the process dies before master receives that reply, it shutdowns itself. Usually this is because of some configuration error and it's not nice to start spamming the log files.
author Timo Sirainen <>
date Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:13:05 +0200
parents 218e68ab290d
children 411006be3c66
line wrap: on
line source

/* Copyright (C) 2002 Timo Sirainen */

#include "common.h"
#include "ioloop.h"
#include "env-util.h"
#include "fd-close-on-exec.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "ostream.h"
#include "restrict-access.h"
#include "restrict-process-size.h"
#include "auth-process.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

struct auth_process {
	struct auth_process *next;

	char *name;
	pid_t pid;
	int fd;
	struct io *io;
	struct ostream *output;

	unsigned int reply_pos;
	char reply_buf[sizeof(struct auth_cookie_reply_data)];

	struct waiting_request *requests, **next_request;

	unsigned int initialized:1;

struct waiting_request {
        struct waiting_request *next;
	unsigned int id;

	AuthCallback callback;
	void *context;

static struct timeout *to;
static struct auth_process *processes;

static void auth_process_destroy(struct auth_process *p);

static void push_request(struct auth_process *process, unsigned int id,
			 AuthCallback callback, void *context)
	struct waiting_request *req;

	req = i_new(struct waiting_request, 1);
	req->id = id;
	req->callback = callback;
	req->context = context;

	*process->next_request = req;
	process->next_request = &req->next;

static void pop_request(struct auth_process *process,
			struct auth_cookie_reply_data *reply)
	struct waiting_request *req;

	req = process->requests;
	if (req == NULL) {
		i_warning("imap-auth %s sent us unrequested reply for id %d",
			  dec2str(process->pid), reply->id);

	if (reply->id != req->id) {
		i_fatal("imap-auth %s sent invalid id for reply "
			"(got %d, expecting %d)",
			dec2str(process->pid), reply->id, req->id);

	/* auth process isn't trusted, validate all data to make sure
	   it's not trying to exploit us */
	if (!VALIDATE_STR(reply->system_user) ||
	    !VALIDATE_STR(reply->virtual_user) || !VALIDATE_STR(reply->mail) ||
	    !VALIDATE_STR(reply->home)) {
		i_error("auth: Received corrupted data");

	process->requests = req->next;
	if (process->requests == NULL)
		process->next_request = &process->requests;

	req->callback(reply, req->context);


static void auth_process_input(void *context, int fd,
			       struct io *io __attr_unused__)
	struct auth_process *p = context;
	int ret;

	ret = net_receive(fd, p->reply_buf + p->reply_pos,
			  sizeof(p->reply_buf) - p->reply_pos);
	if (ret < 0) {
		/* disconnected */

	if (!p->initialized) {
		if (p->reply_buf[0] != 'O') {
			i_fatal("Auth process sent invalid initialization "

		p->initialized = TRUE;

		memmove(p->reply_buf, p->reply_buf + 1, ret);

	p->reply_pos += ret;
	if (p->reply_pos < sizeof(p->reply_buf))

	/* reply is now read */
	pop_request(p, (struct auth_cookie_reply_data *) p->reply_buf);
	p->reply_pos = 0;

static struct auth_process *
auth_process_new(pid_t pid, int fd, const char *name)
	struct auth_process *p;


	p = i_new(struct auth_process, 1);
	p->name = i_strdup(name);
	p->pid = pid;
	p->fd = fd;
	p->io = io_add(fd, IO_READ, auth_process_input, p);
	p->output = o_stream_create_file(fd, default_pool,
				sizeof(struct auth_cookie_request_data)*100,

	p->next_request = &p->requests;

	p->next = processes;
	processes = p;
	return p;

static void auth_process_destroy(struct auth_process *p)
	struct auth_process **pos;
	struct waiting_request *next;

	if (!p->initialized)
		i_fatal("Auth process died too early - shutting down");

	for (pos = &processes; *pos != NULL; pos = &(*pos)->next) {
		if (*pos == p) {
			*pos = p->next;

	for (; p->requests != NULL; p->requests = next) {
		next = p->requests->next;

		p->requests->callback(NULL, p->requests->context);

	(void)unlink(t_strconcat(set_login_dir, "/", p->name, NULL));

	if (close(p->fd) < 0)
		i_error("close(auth) failed: %m");

static pid_t create_auth_process(struct auth_config *config)
	static char *argv[] = { NULL, NULL };
	const char *path;
	struct passwd *pwd;
	pid_t pid;
	int fd[2], listen_fd, i;

	if ((pwd = getpwnam(config->user)) == NULL)
		i_fatal("Auth user doesn't exist: %s", config->user);

	/* create communication to process with a socket pair */
	if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd) == -1) {
		i_error("socketpair() failed: %m");
		return -1;

	pid = fork();
	if (pid < 0) {
		i_error("fork() failed: %m");
		return -1;

	if (pid != 0) {
		/* master */
		fd_close_on_exec(fd[0], TRUE);
		auth_process_new(pid, fd[0], config->name);
		return pid;

	/* create socket for listening auth requests from imap-login */
	path = t_strconcat(set_login_dir, "/", config->name, NULL);
        (void)umask(0177); /* we want 0600 mode for the socket */

	listen_fd = net_listen_unix(path);
	if (listen_fd < 0)
		i_fatal("Can't listen in UNIX socket %s: %m", path);

	i_assert(listen_fd > 2);

	/* set correct permissions */
	if (chown(path, set_login_uid, set_login_gid) < 0) {
		i_fatal("login: chown(%s, %s, %s) failed: %m",
			path, dec2str(set_login_uid), dec2str(set_login_gid));

	/* move master communication handle to 0 */
	if (dup2(fd[1], 0) < 0)
		i_fatal("login: dup2(0) failed: %m");


	/* set /dev/null handle into 1 and 2, so if something is printed into
	   stdout/stderr it can't go anywhere where it could cause harm */
	if (dup2(null_fd, 1) < 0)
		i_fatal("login: dup2(1) failed: %m");
	if (dup2(null_fd, 2) < 0)
		i_fatal("login: dup2(2) failed: %m");


	/* move login communication handle to 3. do it last so we can be
	   sure it's not closed afterwards. */
	if (listen_fd != 3) {
		if (dup2(listen_fd, 3) < 0)
			i_fatal("login: dup2() failed: %m");

	for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
		fd_close_on_exec(i, FALSE);

	/* setup access environment - needs to be done after
	   clean_child_process() since it clears environment */
	restrict_access_set_env(config->user, pwd->pw_uid, pwd->pw_gid,

	/* set other environment */
	env_put(t_strconcat("AUTH_PROCESS=", dec2str(getpid()), NULL));
	env_put(t_strconcat("MECHANISMS=", config->mechanisms, NULL));
	env_put(t_strconcat("REALMS=", config->realms, NULL));
	env_put(t_strconcat("USERINFO=", config->userinfo, NULL));
	env_put(t_strconcat("USERINFO_ARGS=", config->userinfo_args, NULL));

	if (config->use_cyrus_sasl)


	/* make sure we don't leak syslog fd, but do it last so that
	   any errors above will be logged */

	/* hide the path, it's ugly */
	argv[0] = strrchr(config->executable, '/');
	if (argv[0] == NULL) argv[0] = config->executable; else argv[0]++;

	execv(config->executable, (char **) argv);

	i_fatal_status(FATAL_EXEC, "execv(%s) failed: %m", argv[0]);
	return -1;

struct auth_process *auth_process_find(unsigned int id)
	struct auth_process *p;

	for (p = processes; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
		if ((unsigned int)p->pid == id)
			return p;

	return NULL;

void auth_process_request(unsigned int login_pid,
			  struct auth_process *process, unsigned int id,
			  unsigned char cookie[AUTH_COOKIE_SIZE],
			  AuthCallback callback, void *context)
	struct auth_cookie_request_data req; = id;
	req.login_pid = login_pid;
	memcpy(req.cookie, cookie, AUTH_COOKIE_SIZE);

	if (o_stream_send(process->output, &req, sizeof(req)) < 0)

	push_request(process, id, callback, context);

static unsigned int auth_process_get_count(const char *name)
	struct auth_process *p;
	unsigned int count = 0;

	for (p = processes; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
		if (strcmp(p->name, name) == 0)

	return count;

void auth_processes_destroy_all(void)
	struct auth_process *next;

	while (processes != NULL) {
		next = processes->next;
                processes = next;

static void
auth_processes_start_missing(void *context __attr_unused__,
			     struct timeout *timeout __attr_unused__)
	struct auth_config *config;
	unsigned int count;

        config = auth_processes_config;
	for (; config != NULL; config = config->next) {
		count = auth_process_get_count(config->name);
		for (; count < config->count; count++)

void auth_processes_init(void)
	processes = NULL;
	to = timeout_add(1000, auth_processes_start_missing, NULL);

void auth_processes_deinit(void)