view src/lib-storage/mail-storage-private.h @ 9490:fd84592e817b HEAD

dovecot-example.conf: Updated dict comments.
author Timo Sirainen <>
date Mon, 23 Nov 2009 13:08:47 -0500
parents 3eacb6bbd227
line wrap: on
line source


#include "module-context.h"
#include "file-lock.h"
#include "mail-storage.h"
#include "mail-index-private.h"

/* Called after mail storage has been created */
extern void (*hook_mail_storage_created)(struct mail_storage *storage);
/* Called after mailbox has been opened */
extern void (*hook_mailbox_opened)(struct mailbox *box);
/* Called after mailbox index has been opened */
extern void (*hook_mailbox_index_opened)(struct mailbox *box);

struct mail_storage_module_register {
	unsigned int id;

struct mail_module_register {
	unsigned int id;

struct mail_storage_vfuncs {
	void (*class_init)(void);
	void (*class_deinit)(void);

	struct mail_storage *(*alloc)(void);
	int (*create)(struct mail_storage *storage, const char *data,
		      const char **error_r);
	void (*destroy)(struct mail_storage *storage);

	bool (*autodetect)(const char *data, enum mail_storage_flags flags);

	struct mailbox *(*mailbox_open)(struct mail_storage *storage,
					const char *name,
					struct istream *input,
					enum mailbox_open_flags flags);

	int (*mailbox_create)(struct mail_storage *storage, const char *name,
			      bool directory);

union mail_storage_module_context {
	struct mail_storage_vfuncs super;
	struct mail_storage_module_register *reg;

struct mail_storage {
	const char *name;
	bool mailbox_is_file;

        struct mail_storage_vfuncs v;

/* private: */
	pool_t pool;

	char *error_string;
	enum mail_error error;

        const struct mail_storage *storage_class;
	struct mail_namespace *ns;
	struct mailbox_list *list;
	const char *temp_path_prefix;

	enum mail_storage_flags flags;
	enum file_lock_method lock_method;
	unsigned int keyword_max_len;

	struct mail_storage_callbacks *callbacks;
	void *callback_context;

	/* Module-specific contexts. See mail_storage_module_id. */
	ARRAY_DEFINE(module_contexts, union mail_storage_module_context *);

struct mailbox_vfuncs {
	bool (*is_readonly)(struct mailbox *box);
	bool (*allow_new_keywords)(struct mailbox *box);

	int (*enable)(struct mailbox *box, enum mailbox_feature features);
	int (*close)(struct mailbox *box);

	void (*get_status)(struct mailbox *box, enum mailbox_status_items items,
			   struct mailbox_status *status_r);

	/* Lookup sync extension record and figure out if it mailbox has
	   changed since. Returns 1 = yes, 0 = no, -1 = error. */
	int (*list_index_has_changed)(struct mailbox *box,
				      struct mail_index_view *list_view,
				      uint32_t seq);
	/* Update the sync extension record. Returns 0 = ok, -1 = error. */
	int (*list_index_update_sync)(struct mailbox *box,
				      struct mail_index_transaction *trans,
				      uint32_t seq);

	struct mailbox_sync_context *
		(*sync_init)(struct mailbox *box,
			     enum mailbox_sync_flags flags);
	bool (*sync_next)(struct mailbox_sync_context *ctx,
			  struct mailbox_sync_rec *sync_rec_r);
	int (*sync_deinit)(struct mailbox_sync_context *ctx,
			   enum mailbox_status_items status_items,
			   struct mailbox_status *status_r);

	/* Called once for each expunge. Called one or more times for
	   flag/keyword changes. Once the sync is finished, called with
	   uid=0 and sync_type=0. */
	void (*sync_notify)(struct mailbox *box, uint32_t uid,
			    enum mailbox_sync_type sync_type);

	void (*notify_changes)(struct mailbox *box);

	struct mailbox_transaction_context *
		(*transaction_begin)(struct mailbox *box,
				     enum mailbox_transaction_flags flags);
	int (*transaction_commit)(struct mailbox_transaction_context *t,
				  uint32_t *uid_validity_r,
				  uint32_t *first_saved_uid_r,
				  uint32_t *last_saved_uid_r);
	void (*transaction_rollback)(struct mailbox_transaction_context *t);
	void (*transaction_set_max_modseq)(struct mailbox_transaction_context *t,
					   uint64_t max_modseq,
					   ARRAY_TYPE(seq_range) *seqs);

	int (*keywords_create)(struct mailbox *box,
			       const char *const keywords[],
			       struct mail_keywords **keywords_r,
			       bool skip_invalid);
	void (*keywords_free)(struct mail_keywords *keywords);
	bool (*keyword_is_valid)(struct mailbox *box, const char *keyword,
				 const char **error_r);

	void (*get_seq_range)(struct mailbox *box, uint32_t uid1, uint32_t uid2,
			      uint32_t *seq1_r, uint32_t *seq2_r);
	void (*get_uid_range)(struct mailbox *box,
			      const ARRAY_TYPE(seq_range) *seqs,
			      ARRAY_TYPE(seq_range) *uids);
	bool (*get_expunged_uids)(struct mailbox *box, uint64_t modseq,
				  const ARRAY_TYPE(seq_range) *uids,
				  ARRAY_TYPE(seq_range) *expunged_uids);
	bool (*get_virtual_uid)(struct mailbox *box,
				const char *backend_mailbox,
				uint32_t backend_uidvalidity,
				uint32_t backend_uid, uint32_t *uid_r);
	void (*get_virtual_backend_boxes)(struct mailbox *box,
					  ARRAY_TYPE(mailboxes) *mailboxes,
					  bool only_with_msgs);
	void (*get_virtual_box_patterns)(struct mailbox *box,
				ARRAY_TYPE(mailbox_virtual_patterns) *includes,
				ARRAY_TYPE(mailbox_virtual_patterns) *excludes);

	struct mail *
		(*mail_alloc)(struct mailbox_transaction_context *t,
			      enum mail_fetch_field wanted_fields,
			      struct mailbox_header_lookup_ctx *wanted_headers);

	struct mailbox_header_lookup_ctx *
		(*header_lookup_init)(struct mailbox *box,
				      const char *const headers[]);
	void (*header_lookup_ref)(struct mailbox_header_lookup_ctx *ctx);
	void (*header_lookup_unref)(struct mailbox_header_lookup_ctx *ctx);

	struct mail_search_context *
	(*search_init)(struct mailbox_transaction_context *t,
		       struct mail_search_args *args,
		       const enum mail_sort_type *sort_program);
	int (*search_deinit)(struct mail_search_context *ctx);
	int (*search_next_nonblock)(struct mail_search_context *ctx,
				    struct mail *mail, bool *tryagain_r);
	/* Internal search function which updates ctx->seq */
	bool (*search_next_update_seq)(struct mail_search_context *ctx);

	struct mail_save_context *
		(*save_alloc)(struct mailbox_transaction_context *t);
	int (*save_begin)(struct mail_save_context *ctx, struct istream *input);
	int (*save_continue)(struct mail_save_context *ctx);
	int (*save_finish)(struct mail_save_context *ctx);
	void (*save_cancel)(struct mail_save_context *ctx);
	int (*copy)(struct mail_save_context *ctx, struct mail *mail);

	bool (*is_inconsistent)(struct mailbox *box);

union mailbox_module_context {
        struct mailbox_vfuncs super;
	struct mail_storage_module_register *reg;

struct mailbox {
	char *name;
	struct mail_storage *storage;

        struct mailbox_vfuncs v;
/* private: */
	pool_t pool;

	enum mailbox_open_flags open_flags;
	unsigned int transaction_count;
	enum mailbox_feature enabled_features;

	/* User's private flags if this is a shared mailbox */
	enum mail_flags private_flags_mask;

	/* mode and GID to use for newly created files/dirs */
	mode_t file_create_mode, dir_create_mode;
	gid_t file_create_gid;
	/* origin (e.g. path) where the file_create_gid was got from */
	const char *file_create_gid_origin;

	/* Mailbox notification settings: */
	unsigned int notify_min_interval;
	mailbox_notify_callback_t *notify_callback;
	void *notify_context;

	/* Saved search results */
	ARRAY_DEFINE(search_results, struct mail_search_result *);

	/* Module-specific contexts. See mail_storage_module_id. */
	ARRAY_DEFINE(module_contexts, union mailbox_module_context *);

	/* When FAST open flag is used, the mailbox isn't actually opened until
	   it's synced for the first time. */
	unsigned int opened:1;
	/* Mailbox was deleted while we had it open. */
	unsigned int mailbox_deleted:1;

struct mail_vfuncs {
	void (*close)(struct mail *mail);
	void (*free)(struct mail *mail);
	void (*set_seq)(struct mail *mail, uint32_t seq);
	bool (*set_uid)(struct mail *mail, uint32_t uid);

	enum mail_flags (*get_flags)(struct mail *mail);
	const char *const *(*get_keywords)(struct mail *mail);
	const ARRAY_TYPE(keyword_indexes) *
		(*get_keyword_indexes)(struct mail *mail);
	uint64_t (*get_modseq)(struct mail *mail);

	int (*get_parts)(struct mail *mail,
			 const struct message_part **parts_r);
	int (*get_date)(struct mail *mail, time_t *date_r, int *timezone_r);
	int (*get_received_date)(struct mail *mail, time_t *date_r);
	int (*get_save_date)(struct mail *mail, time_t *date_r);
	int (*get_virtual_size)(struct mail *mail, uoff_t *size_r);
	int (*get_physical_size)(struct mail *mail, uoff_t *size_r);

	int (*get_first_header)(struct mail *mail, const char *field,
				bool decode_to_utf8, const char **value_r);
	int (*get_headers)(struct mail *mail, const char *field,
			   bool decode_to_utf8, const char *const **value_r);
	int (*get_header_stream)(struct mail *mail,
				 struct mailbox_header_lookup_ctx *headers,
				 struct istream **stream_r);
	int (*get_stream)(struct mail *mail, struct message_size *hdr_size,
			  struct message_size *body_size,
			  struct istream **stream_r);

	int (*get_special)(struct mail *mail, enum mail_fetch_field field,
			   const char **value_r);

	void (*update_flags)(struct mail *mail, enum modify_type modify_type,
			     enum mail_flags flags);
	void (*update_keywords)(struct mail *mail, enum modify_type modify_type,
				struct mail_keywords *keywords);
	void (*update_pop3_uidl)(struct mail *mail, const char *uidl);
	void (*expunge)(struct mail *mail);
	void (*set_cache_corrupted)(struct mail *mail,
				    enum mail_fetch_field field);

	struct index_mail *(*get_index_mail)(struct mail *mail);

union mail_module_context {
	struct mail_vfuncs super;
	struct mail_module_register *reg;

struct mail_private {
	struct mail mail;
	struct mail_vfuncs v;

	enum mail_fetch_field wanted_fields;
	struct mailbox_header_lookup_ctx *wanted_headers;

	pool_t pool;
	ARRAY_DEFINE(module_contexts, union mail_module_context *);

	/* these statistics are never reset by mail-storage API: */

	unsigned long stats_open_lookup_count;
	unsigned long stats_stat_lookup_count;
	unsigned long stats_fstat_lookup_count;
	/* number of files we've opened and read */
	unsigned long stats_files_read_count;
	/* number of bytes we've had to read from files */
	unsigned long long stats_files_read_bytes;
	/* number of cache lookup hits */
	unsigned long stats_cache_hit_count;

	/* Set to TRUE to update stats_* fields */
	unsigned int stats_track:1;

struct mailbox_list_context {
	struct mail_storage *storage;
	enum mailbox_list_flags flags;
	bool failed;

union mailbox_transaction_module_context {
	struct mail_storage_module_register *reg;

struct mailbox_transaction_context {
	struct mailbox *box;
	enum mailbox_transaction_flags flags;

		     union mailbox_transaction_module_context *);

union mail_search_module_context {
	struct mail_storage_module_register *reg;

struct mail_search_context {
	struct mailbox_transaction_context *transaction;

	struct mail_search_args *args;
	struct mail_search_sort_program *sort_program;

	/* if non-NULL, specifies that a search resulting is being updated.
	   this can be used as a search optimization: if searched message
	   already exists in search result, it's not necessary to check if
	   static data matches. */
	struct mail_search_result *update_result;
	/* add matches to these search results */
	ARRAY_DEFINE(results, struct mail_search_result *);

	uint32_t seq;
	uint32_t progress_cur, progress_max;

	ARRAY_DEFINE(module_contexts, union mail_search_module_context *);

	unsigned int seen_lost_data:1;
	unsigned int progress_hidden:1;

struct mail_save_context {
	struct mailbox_transaction_context *transaction;
	struct mail *dest_mail;

	enum mail_flags flags;
	struct mail_keywords *keywords;

	time_t received_date;
	int received_tz_offset;

	char *guid, *from_envelope;
	struct ostream *output;

struct mailbox_sync_context {
	struct mailbox *box;

struct mailbox_header_lookup_ctx {
	struct mailbox *box;
	const char *const *headers;

/* Modules should use do "my_id = mail_storage_module_id++" and
   use objects' module_contexts[id] for their own purposes. */
extern struct mail_storage_module_register mail_storage_module_register;

/* Storage's module_id for mail_index. */
extern struct mail_module_register mail_module_register;

	MODULE_CONTEXT(obj, mail_storage_mail_index_module)
extern MODULE_CONTEXT_DEFINE(mail_storage_mail_index_module,

/* Set error message in storage. Critical errors are logged with i_error(),
   but user sees only "internal error" message. */
void mail_storage_clear_error(struct mail_storage *storage);
void mail_storage_set_error(struct mail_storage *storage,
			    enum mail_error error, const char *string);
void mail_storage_set_critical(struct mail_storage *storage,
			       const char *fmt, ...) ATTR_FORMAT(2, 3);
void mail_storage_set_internal_error(struct mail_storage *storage);
bool mail_storage_set_error_from_errno(struct mail_storage *storage);

const char *mail_generate_guid_string(void);
int mail_set_aborted(struct mail *mail);
void mail_set_expunged(struct mail *mail);
void mailbox_set_deleted(struct mailbox *box);

enum mailbox_list_flags
mail_storage_get_list_flags(enum mail_storage_flags storage_flags);
