view tests/test-mq-qnew-twice @ 3084:75dcfe28da4a

sshrepo: don't try to validate when creating the repo - This removes the "repo not found" error when cloning or init-ing a remote repo. - Since the remote hg will abort if the repo already exists we don't need to validate it.
author Benoit Boissinot <>
date Wed, 13 Sep 2006 19:57:40 +0200
parents 61fcd9fac434
line wrap: on
line source


echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
echo "mq=" >> $HGRCPATH

hg init a
cd a
hg qnew first.patch
hg qnew first.patch

touch ../first.patch
hg qimport ../first.patch

exit 0