view mercurial/ @ 2167:f5c2c6e69fd7

merge with crew.
author Vadim Gelfer <>
date Sun, 30 Apr 2006 16:30:57 -0700
parents d0c02b4dce9a d821918e3bee
children b2ae81a7df29
line wrap: on
line source

# - command processing for mercurial
# Copyright 2005 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

from demandload import demandload
from node import *
from i18n import gettext as _
demandload(globals(), "os re sys signal shutil imp urllib pdb")
demandload(globals(), "fancyopts ui hg util lock revlog templater bundlerepo")
demandload(globals(), "fnmatch hgweb mdiff random signal tempfile time")
demandload(globals(), "traceback errno socket version struct atexit sets bz2")
demandload(globals(), "archival changegroup")

class UnknownCommand(Exception):
    """Exception raised if command is not in the command table."""
class AmbiguousCommand(Exception):
    """Exception raised if command shortcut matches more than one command."""

def bail_if_changed(repo):
    modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown = repo.changes()
    if modified or added or removed or deleted:
        raise util.Abort(_("outstanding uncommitted changes"))

def filterfiles(filters, files):
    l = [x for x in files if x in filters]

    for t in filters:
        if t and t[-1] != "/":
            t += "/"
        l += [x for x in files if x.startswith(t)]
    return l

def relpath(repo, args):
    cwd = repo.getcwd()
    if cwd:
        return [util.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, x)) for x in args]
    return args

def matchpats(repo, pats=[], opts={}, head=''):
    cwd = repo.getcwd()
    if not pats and cwd:
        opts['include'] = [os.path.join(cwd, i) for i in opts['include']]
        opts['exclude'] = [os.path.join(cwd, x) for x in opts['exclude']]
        cwd = ''
    return util.cmdmatcher(repo.root, cwd, pats or ['.'], opts.get('include'),
                           opts.get('exclude'), head)

def makewalk(repo, pats, opts, node=None, head='', badmatch=None):
    files, matchfn, anypats = matchpats(repo, pats, opts, head)
    exact = dict(zip(files, files))
    def walk():
        for src, fn in repo.walk(node=node, files=files, match=matchfn,
            yield src, fn, util.pathto(repo.getcwd(), fn), fn in exact
    return files, matchfn, walk()

def walk(repo, pats, opts, node=None, head='', badmatch=None):
    files, matchfn, results = makewalk(repo, pats, opts, node, head, badmatch)
    for r in results:
        yield r

def walkchangerevs(ui, repo, pats, opts):
    '''Iterate over files and the revs they changed in.

    Callers most commonly need to iterate backwards over the history
    it is interested in.  Doing so has awful (quadratic-looking)
    performance, so we use iterators in a "windowed" way.

    We walk a window of revisions in the desired order.  Within the
    window, we first walk forwards to gather data, then in the desired
    order (usually backwards) to display it.

    This function returns an (iterator, getchange, matchfn) tuple.  The
    getchange function returns the changelog entry for a numeric
    revision.  The iterator yields 3-tuples.  They will be of one of
    the following forms:

    "window", incrementing, lastrev: stepping through a window,
    positive if walking forwards through revs, last rev in the
    sequence iterated over - use to reset state for the current window

    "add", rev, fns: out-of-order traversal of the given file names
    fns, which changed during revision rev - use to gather data for
    possible display

    "iter", rev, None: in-order traversal of the revs earlier iterated
    over with "add" - use to display data'''

    def increasing_windows(start, end, windowsize=8, sizelimit=512):
        if start < end:
            while start < end:
                yield start, min(windowsize, end-start)
                start += windowsize
                if windowsize < sizelimit:
                    windowsize *= 2
            while start > end:
                yield start, min(windowsize, start-end-1)
                start -= windowsize
                if windowsize < sizelimit:
                    windowsize *= 2

    files, matchfn, anypats = matchpats(repo, pats, opts)

    if repo.changelog.count() == 0:
        return [], False, matchfn

    revs = map(int, revrange(ui, repo, opts['rev'] or ['tip:0']))
    wanted = {}
    slowpath = anypats
    fncache = {}

    chcache = {}
    def getchange(rev):
        ch = chcache.get(rev)
        if ch is None:
            chcache[rev] = ch =
        return ch

    if not slowpath and not files:
        # No files, no patterns.  Display all revs.
        wanted = dict(zip(revs, revs))
    if not slowpath:
        # Only files, no patterns.  Check the history of each file.
        def filerevgen(filelog):
            for i, window in increasing_windows(filelog.count()-1, -1):
                revs = []
                for j in xrange(i - window, i + 1):
                for rev in revs:
                    yield rev

        minrev, maxrev = min(revs), max(revs)
        for file_ in files:
            filelog = repo.file(file_)
            # A zero count may be a directory or deleted file, so
            # try to find matching entries on the slow path.
            if filelog.count() == 0:
                slowpath = True
            for rev in filerevgen(filelog):
                if rev <= maxrev:
                    if rev < minrev:
                    fncache.setdefault(rev, [])
                    wanted[rev] = 1
    if slowpath:
        # The slow path checks files modified in every changeset.
        def changerevgen():
            for i, window in increasing_windows(repo.changelog.count()-1, -1):
                for j in xrange(i - window, i + 1):
                    yield j, getchange(j)[3]

        for rev, changefiles in changerevgen():
            matches = filter(matchfn, changefiles)
            if matches:
                fncache[rev] = matches
                wanted[rev] = 1

    def iterate():
        for i, window in increasing_windows(0, len(revs)):
            yield 'window', revs[0] < revs[-1], revs[-1]
            nrevs = [rev for rev in revs[i:i+window]
                     if rev in wanted]
            srevs = list(nrevs)
            for rev in srevs:
                fns = fncache.get(rev) or filter(matchfn, getchange(rev)[3])
                yield 'add', rev, fns
            for rev in nrevs:
                yield 'iter', rev, None
    return iterate(), getchange, matchfn

revrangesep = ':'

def revrange(ui, repo, revs, revlog=None):
    """Yield revision as strings from a list of revision specifications."""
    if revlog is None:
        revlog = repo.changelog
    revcount = revlog.count()
    def fix(val, defval):
        if not val:
            return defval
            num = int(val)
            if str(num) != val:
                raise ValueError
            if num < 0:
                num += revcount
            if num < 0:
                num = 0
            elif num >= revcount:
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:
                num = repo.changelog.rev(repo.lookup(val))
            except KeyError:
                    num = revlog.rev(revlog.lookup(val))
                except KeyError:
                    raise util.Abort(_('invalid revision identifier %s'), val)
        return num
    seen = {}
    for spec in revs:
        if spec.find(revrangesep) >= 0:
            start, end = spec.split(revrangesep, 1)
            start = fix(start, 0)
            end = fix(end, revcount - 1)
            step = start > end and -1 or 1
            for rev in xrange(start, end+step, step):
                if rev in seen:
                seen[rev] = 1
                yield str(rev)
            rev = fix(spec, None)
            if rev in seen:
            seen[rev] = 1
            yield str(rev)

def make_filename(repo, r, pat, node=None,
                  total=None, seqno=None, revwidth=None, pathname=None):
    node_expander = {
        'H': lambda: hex(node),
        'R': lambda: str(r.rev(node)),
        'h': lambda: short(node),
    expander = {
        '%': lambda: '%',
        'b': lambda: os.path.basename(repo.root),

        if node:
        if node and revwidth is not None:
            expander['r'] = lambda: str(r.rev(node)).zfill(revwidth)
        if total is not None:
            expander['N'] = lambda: str(total)
        if seqno is not None:
            expander['n'] = lambda: str(seqno)
        if total is not None and seqno is not None:
            expander['n'] = lambda:str(seqno).zfill(len(str(total)))
        if pathname is not None:
            expander['s'] = lambda: os.path.basename(pathname)
            expander['d'] = lambda: os.path.dirname(pathname) or '.'
            expander['p'] = lambda: pathname

        newname = []
        patlen = len(pat)
        i = 0
        while i < patlen:
            c = pat[i]
            if c == '%':
                i += 1
                c = pat[i]
                c = expander[c]()
            i += 1
        return ''.join(newname)
    except KeyError, inst:
        raise util.Abort(_("invalid format spec '%%%s' in output file name"),

def make_file(repo, r, pat, node=None,
              total=None, seqno=None, revwidth=None, mode='wb', pathname=None):
    if not pat or pat == '-':
        return 'w' in mode and sys.stdout or sys.stdin
    if hasattr(pat, 'write') and 'w' in mode:
        return pat
    if hasattr(pat, 'read') and 'r' in mode:
        return pat
    return open(make_filename(repo, r, pat, node, total, seqno, revwidth,

def write_bundle(cg, filename=None, compress=True):
    """Write a bundle file and return its filename.

    Existing files will not be overwritten.
    If no filename is specified, a temporary file is created.
    bz2 compression can be turned off.
    The bundle file will be deleted in case of errors.
    class nocompress(object):
        def compress(self, x):
            return x
        def flush(self):
            return ""

    fh = None
    cleanup = None
        if filename:
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                raise util.Abort(_("file '%s' already exists"), filename)
            fh = open(filename, "wb")
            fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="hg-bundle-", suffix=".hg")
            fh = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
        cleanup = filename

        if compress:
            z = bz2.BZ2Compressor(9)
            z = nocompress()
        # parse the changegroup data, otherwise we will block
        # in case of sshrepo because we don't know the end of the stream

        # an empty chunkiter is the end of the changegroup
        empty = False
        while not empty:
            empty = True
            for chunk in changegroup.chunkiter(cg):
                empty = False
        cleanup = None
        return filename
        if fh is not None:
        if cleanup is not None:

def dodiff(fp, ui, repo, node1, node2, files=None, match=util.always,
           changes=None, text=False, opts={}):
    if not node1:
        node1 = repo.dirstate.parents()[0]
    # reading the data for node1 early allows it to play nicely
    # with repo.changes and the revlog cache.
    change =
    mmap =[0])
    date1 = util.datestr(change[2])

    if not changes:
        changes = repo.changes(node1, node2, files, match=match)
    modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown = changes
    if files:
        modified, added, removed = map(lambda x: filterfiles(files, x),
                                       (modified, added, removed))

    if not modified and not added and not removed:

    if node2:
        change =
        mmap2 =[0])
        date2 = util.datestr(change[2])
        def read(f):
            return repo.file(f).read(mmap2[f])
        date2 = util.datestr()
        def read(f):
            return repo.wread(f)

    if ui.quiet:
        r = None
        hexfunc = ui.verbose and hex or short
        r = [hexfunc(node) for node in [node1, node2] if node]

    diffopts = ui.diffopts()
    showfunc = opts.get('show_function') or diffopts['showfunc']
    ignorews = opts.get('ignore_all_space') or diffopts['ignorews']
    for f in modified:
        to = None
        if f in mmap:
            to = repo.file(f).read(mmap[f])
        tn = read(f)
        fp.write(mdiff.unidiff(to, date1, tn, date2, f, r, text=text,
                               showfunc=showfunc, ignorews=ignorews))
    for f in added:
        to = None
        tn = read(f)
        fp.write(mdiff.unidiff(to, date1, tn, date2, f, r, text=text,
                               showfunc=showfunc, ignorews=ignorews))
    for f in removed:
        to = repo.file(f).read(mmap[f])
        tn = None
        fp.write(mdiff.unidiff(to, date1, tn, date2, f, r, text=text,
                               showfunc=showfunc, ignorews=ignorews))

def trimuser(ui, name, rev, revcache):
    """trim the name of the user who committed a change"""
    user = revcache.get(rev)
    if user is None:
        user = revcache[rev] = ui.shortuser(name)
    return user

class changeset_templater(object):
    '''use templater module to format changeset information.'''

    def __init__(self, ui, repo, mapfile):
        self.t = templater.templater(mapfile, templater.common_filters,
                                     cache={'parent': '{rev}:{node|short} ',
                                            'manifest': '{rev}:{node|short}'})
        self.ui = ui
        self.repo = repo

    def use_template(self, t):
        '''set template string to use'''
        self.t.cache['changeset'] = t

    def write(self, thing, header=False):
        '''write expanded template.
        uses in-order recursive traverse of iterators.'''
        for t in thing:
            if hasattr(t, '__iter__'):
                self.write(t, header=header)
            elif header:

    def write_header(self, thing):
        self.write(thing, header=True)

    def show(self, rev=0, changenode=None, brinfo=None):
        '''show a single changeset or file revision'''
        log = self.repo.changelog
        if changenode is None:
            changenode = log.node(rev)
        elif not rev:
            rev = log.rev(changenode)

        changes =

        def showlist(name, values, plural=None, **args):
            '''expand set of values.
            name is name of key in template map.
            values is list of strings or dicts.
            plural is plural of name, if not simply name + 's'.

            expansion works like this, given name 'foo'.

            if values is empty, expand 'no_foos'.

            if 'foo' not in template map, return values as a string,
            joined by space.

            expand 'start_foos'.

            for each value, expand 'foo'. if 'last_foo' in template
            map, expand it instead of 'foo' for last key.

            expand 'end_foos'.
            if plural: names = plural
            else: names = name + 's'
            if not values:
                noname = 'no_' + names
                if noname in self.t:
                    yield self.t(noname, **args)
            if name not in self.t:
                if isinstance(values[0], str):
                    yield ' '.join(values)
                    for v in values:
                        yield dict(v, **args)
            startname = 'start_' + names
            if startname in self.t:
                yield self.t(startname, **args)
            vargs = args.copy()
            def one(v, tag=name):
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):
                        for a, b in v:
                            vargs[a] = b
                    except ValueError:
                        vargs[name] = v
                return self.t(tag, **vargs)
            lastname = 'last_' + name
            if lastname in self.t:
                last = values.pop()
                last = None
            for v in values:
                yield one(v)
            if last is not None:
                yield one(last, tag=lastname)
            endname = 'end_' + names
            if endname in self.t:
                yield self.t(endname, **args)

        if brinfo:
            def showbranches(**args):
                if changenode in brinfo:
                    for x in showlist('branch', brinfo[changenode],
                                      plural='branches', **args):
                        yield x
            showbranches = ''

        if self.ui.debugflag:
            def showmanifest(**args):
                args = args.copy()
                yield self.t('manifest', **args)
            showmanifest = ''

        def showparents(**args):
            parents = [[('rev', log.rev(p)), ('node', hex(p))]
                       for p in log.parents(changenode)
                       if self.ui.debugflag or p != nullid]
            if (not self.ui.debugflag and len(parents) == 1 and
                parents[0][0][1] == rev - 1):
            for x in showlist('parent', parents, **args):
                yield x

        def showtags(**args):
            for x in showlist('tag', self.repo.nodetags(changenode), **args):
                yield x

        if self.ui.debugflag:
            files = self.repo.changes(log.parents(changenode)[0], changenode)
            def showfiles(**args):
                for x in showlist('file', files[0], **args): yield x
            def showadds(**args):
                for x in showlist('file_add', files[1], **args): yield x
            def showdels(**args):
                for x in showlist('file_del', files[2], **args): yield x
            def showfiles(**args):
                for x in showlist('file', changes[3], **args): yield x
            showadds = ''
            showdels = ''

        props = {
            'author': changes[1],
            'branches': showbranches,
            'date': changes[2],
            'desc': changes[4],
            'file_adds': showadds,
            'file_dels': showdels,
            'files': showfiles,
            'manifest': showmanifest,
            'node': hex(changenode),
            'parents': showparents,
            'rev': rev,
            'tags': showtags,

            if self.ui.debugflag and 'header_debug' in self.t:
                key = 'header_debug'
            elif self.ui.quiet and 'header_quiet' in self.t:
                key = 'header_quiet'
            elif self.ui.verbose and 'header_verbose' in self.t:
                key = 'header_verbose'
            elif 'header' in self.t:
                key = 'header'
                key = ''
            if key:
                self.write_header(self.t(key, **props))
            if self.ui.debugflag and 'changeset_debug' in self.t:
                key = 'changeset_debug'
            elif self.ui.quiet and 'changeset_quiet' in self.t:
                key = 'changeset_quiet'
            elif self.ui.verbose and 'changeset_verbose' in self.t:
                key = 'changeset_verbose'
                key = 'changeset'
            self.write(self.t(key, **props))
        except KeyError, inst:
            raise util.Abort(_("%s: no key named '%s'") % (self.t.mapfile,
        except SyntaxError, inst:
            raise util.Abort(_('%s: %s') % (self.t.mapfile, inst.args[0]))

class changeset_printer(object):
    '''show changeset information when templating not requested.'''

    def __init__(self, ui, repo):
        self.ui = ui
        self.repo = repo

    def show(self, rev=0, changenode=None, brinfo=None):
        '''show a single changeset or file revision'''
        log = self.repo.changelog
        if changenode is None:
            changenode = log.node(rev)
        elif not rev:
            rev = log.rev(changenode)

        if self.ui.quiet:
            self.ui.write("%d:%s\n" % (rev, short(changenode)))

        changes =
        date = util.datestr(changes[2])

        parents = [(log.rev(p), self.ui.verbose and hex(p) or short(p))
                   for p in log.parents(changenode)
                   if self.ui.debugflag or p != nullid]
        if (not self.ui.debugflag and len(parents) == 1 and
            parents[0][0] == rev-1):
            parents = []

        if self.ui.verbose:
            self.ui.write(_("changeset:   %d:%s\n") % (rev, hex(changenode)))
            self.ui.write(_("changeset:   %d:%s\n") % (rev, short(changenode)))

        for tag in self.repo.nodetags(changenode):
            self.ui.status(_("tag:         %s\n") % tag)
        for parent in parents:
            self.ui.write(_("parent:      %d:%s\n") % parent)

        if brinfo and changenode in brinfo:
            br = brinfo[changenode]
            self.ui.write(_("branch:      %s\n") % " ".join(br))

        self.ui.debug(_("manifest:    %d:%s\n") %
                      (self.repo.manifest.rev(changes[0]), hex(changes[0])))
        self.ui.status(_("user:        %s\n") % changes[1])
        self.ui.status(_("date:        %s\n") % date)

        if self.ui.debugflag:
            files = self.repo.changes(log.parents(changenode)[0], changenode)
            for key, value in zip([_("files:"), _("files+:"), _("files-:")],
                if value:
                    self.ui.note("%-12s %s\n" % (key, " ".join(value)))
            self.ui.note(_("files:       %s\n") % " ".join(changes[3]))

        description = changes[4].strip()
        if description:
            if self.ui.verbose:
                self.ui.status(_("summary:     %s\n") %

def show_changeset(ui, repo, opts):
    '''show one changeset.  uses template or regular display.  caller
    can pass in 'style' and 'template' options in opts.'''

    tmpl = opts.get('template')
    if tmpl:
        tmpl = templater.parsestring(tmpl, quoted=False)
        tmpl = ui.config('ui', 'logtemplate')
        if tmpl: tmpl = templater.parsestring(tmpl)
    mapfile = opts.get('style') or ui.config('ui', 'style')
    if tmpl or mapfile:
        if mapfile:
            if not os.path.isfile(mapfile):
                mapname = templater.templatepath('map-cmdline.' + mapfile)
                if not mapname: mapname = templater.templatepath(mapfile)
                if mapname: mapfile = mapname
            t = changeset_templater(ui, repo, mapfile)
        except SyntaxError, inst:
            raise util.Abort(inst.args[0])
        if tmpl: t.use_template(tmpl)
        return t
    return changeset_printer(ui, repo)

def show_version(ui):
    """output version and copyright information"""
    ui.write(_("Mercurial Distributed SCM (version %s)\n")
             % version.get_version())
        "\nCopyright (C) 2005 Matt Mackall <>\n"
        "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. "
        "There is NO\nwarranty; "

def help_(ui, cmd=None, with_version=False):
    """show help for a given command or all commands"""
    option_lists = []
    if cmd and cmd != 'shortlist':
        if with_version:
        aliases, i = find(cmd)
        # synopsis
        ui.write("%s\n\n" % i[2])

        # description
        doc = i[0].__doc__
        if not doc:
            doc = _("(No help text available)")
        if ui.quiet:
            doc = doc.splitlines(0)[0]
        ui.write("%s\n" % doc.rstrip())

        if not ui.quiet:
            # aliases
            if len(aliases) > 1:
                ui.write(_("\naliases: %s\n") % ', '.join(aliases[1:]))

            # options
            if i[1]:
                option_lists.append(("options", i[1]))

        # program name
        if ui.verbose or with_version:
            ui.status(_("Mercurial Distributed SCM\n"))

        # list of commands
        if cmd == "shortlist":
            ui.status(_('basic commands (use "hg help" '
                        'for the full list or option "-v" for details):\n\n'))
        elif ui.verbose:
            ui.status(_('list of commands:\n\n'))
            ui.status(_('list of commands (use "hg help -v" '
                        'to show aliases and global options):\n\n'))

        h = {}
        cmds = {}
        for c, e in table.items():
            f = c.split("|")[0]
            if cmd == "shortlist" and not f.startswith("^"):
            f = f.lstrip("^")
            if not ui.debugflag and f.startswith("debug"):
            doc = e[0].__doc__
            if not doc:
                doc = _("(No help text available)")
            h[f] = doc.splitlines(0)[0].rstrip()
            cmds[f] = c.lstrip("^")

        fns = h.keys()
        m = max(map(len, fns))
        for f in fns:
            if ui.verbose:
                commands = cmds[f].replace("|",", ")
                ui.write(" %s:\n      %s\n"%(commands, h[f]))
                ui.write(' %-*s   %s\n' % (m, f, h[f]))

    # global options
    if ui.verbose:
        option_lists.append(("global options", globalopts))

    # list all option lists
    opt_output = []
    for title, options in option_lists:
        opt_output.append(("\n%s:\n" % title, None))
        for shortopt, longopt, default, desc in options: