view mercurial/ @ 1071:8f0ac653f85e

Add support for extension modules This adds support for an [extensions] section to hgrc. This has the form of: [extensions] mod=[path] If a path is specified, the python module found at that path is load. Otherwise, __import__ is used to find the module. Each module must implement a dict called cmdtable where the command line options for that module live. Each module must also implement a reposetup function: cmdtable = {} def reposetup(ui, repo): pass Index: hg/mercurial/ ===================================================================
date Fri, 26 Aug 2005 14:05:52 -0700
parents 6d5a62a549fa
children ee4f60abad93
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line source

# - user interface bits for mercurial
# Copyright 2005 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.

import os, ConfigParser
from demandload import *
demandload(globals(), "re socket sys util")

class ui:
    def __init__(self, verbose=False, debug=False, quiet=False,
        self.overlay = {}
        self.cdata = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()[os.path.normpath(hgrc) for hgrc in
                         "/etc/mercurial/hgrc", os.path.expanduser("~/.hgrc")])

        self.quiet = self.configbool("ui", "quiet")
        self.verbose = self.configbool("ui", "verbose")
        self.debugflag = self.configbool("ui", "debug")
        self.interactive = self.configbool("ui", "interactive", True)

        self.updateopts(verbose, debug, quiet, interactive)

    def updateopts(self, verbose=False, debug=False, quiet=False,
        self.quiet = (self.quiet or quiet) and not verbose and not debug
        self.verbose = (self.verbose or verbose) or debug
        self.debugflag = (self.debugflag or debug)
        self.interactive = (self.interactive and interactive)

    def readconfig(self, fp):

    def setconfig(self, section, name, val):
        self.overlay[(section, name)] = val

    def config(self, section, name, default=None):
        if self.overlay.has_key((section, name)):
            return self.overlay[(section, name)]
        if self.cdata.has_option(section, name):
            return self.cdata.get(section, name)
        return default

    def configbool(self, section, name, default=False):
        if self.overlay.has_key((section, name)):
            return self.overlay[(section, name)]
        if self.cdata.has_option(section, name):
            return self.cdata.getboolean(section, name)
        return default

    def configitems(self, section):
        if self.cdata.has_section(section):
            return self.cdata.items(section)
        return []

    def walkconfig(self):
        seen = {}
        for (section, name), value in self.overlay.iteritems():
            yield section, name, value
            seen[section, name] = 1
        for section in self.cdata.sections():
            for name, value in self.cdata.items(section):
                if (section, name) in seen: continue
                yield section, name, value.replace('\n', '\\n')
                seen[section, name] = 1

    def extensions(self):
        return self.configitems("extensions")

    def username(self):
        return (os.environ.get("HGUSER") or
                self.config("ui", "username") or
                os.environ.get("EMAIL") or
                                os.environ.get("USERNAME", "unknown"))
                 + '@' + socket.getfqdn()))

    def expandpath(self, loc):
        paths = {}
        for name, path in self.configitems("paths"):
            paths[name] = path

        return paths.get(loc, loc)

    def write(self, *args):
        for a in args:

    def write_err(self, *args):
        for a in args:

    def readline(self):
        return sys.stdin.readline()[:-1]
    def prompt(self, msg, pat, default="y"):
        if not self.interactive: return default
        while 1:
            self.write(msg, " ")
            r = self.readline()
            if re.match(pat, r):
                return r
                self.write("unrecognized response\n")
    def status(self, *msg):
        if not self.quiet: self.write(*msg)
    def warn(self, *msg):
    def note(self, *msg):
        if self.verbose: self.write(*msg)
    def debug(self, *msg):
        if self.debugflag: self.write(*msg)
    def edit(self, text):
        import tempfile
        (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp("hg")
        f = os.fdopen(fd, "w")

        editor = (os.environ.get("HGEDITOR") or
                  self.config("ui", "editor") or
                  os.environ.get("EDITOR", "vi"))

        os.environ["HGUSER"] = self.username()
        util.system("%s %s" % (editor, name), errprefix="edit failed")

        t = open(name).read()
        t = re.sub("(?m)^HG:.*\n", "", t)


        return t