view usr/src/cmd/beadm/ @ 13025:3c7681e3e323

PSARC 2010/059 SNAP BE Management 6964804 SNAP BE management into ON 6971379 libbe should capture and give useful error when installgrub or fails. 6971390 beadm does not support labeled brand zones 6971394 BEADM_ERR_BE_DOES_NOT_EXIST has an extra space 6971397 libbe error messages need internationalization 6971402 Remove be_get_last_zone_be_callback 6971409 be_create_menu returns errors from both be_errno_t and errno sets
author Glenn Lagasse <>
date Wed, 04 Aug 2010 12:28:19 -0700
line wrap: on
line source

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# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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# Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

"""Boot Environment classes used by beadm."""

import datetime

class BootEnvironment:
    """Boot Environment object that is used by beadm to manage command line
    options, arguments and the log."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.trgt_rpool = None
        self.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot = None
        self.src_be_name_or_snapshot = None = {}
        self.log_id = None
        self.log = None
        self.msg_buf = {}
        self.description = None

class listBootEnvironment:
    """Base class for beadm list
    Determine the BE's to display. Prints command output according to option:
    -d - dataset
    -s - snapshot
    -a - all (both dataset and snapshot)
    <none> - only BE information
    The -H option produces condensed, parseable output
        The ';' delimits each field in the output.  BEs with multiple
        datasets will have multiple lines in the output.

    def list(self, be_list, ddh, be_name):
        """ print all output for beadm list command
        be_list - list of all BEs
        ddh - if True, Do not Display Headers - just parseable data
        be_name - user-specified BE, if any

        returns 0 for success
        side effect: beadm list output printed to stdout

        #If we're listing Headers, initialize the array holding the
        #column widths with the header widths themselves.  Later on,
        #the data in this array will get adjusted as we process actual
        #row data and find that a piece of data is wider than its
        #column header.
        bemaxout = [0 for i in range(len(self.hdr[0]))]
        if not ddh:
            #iterate all header rows since their fields may not
            #be of equal length.
            for header in self.hdr:
                icol = 0
                for hc in header:
                    if len(hc) + 1 > bemaxout[icol]:
                        bemaxout[icol] = len(hc) + 1
                    icol += 1

        #collect BEs
        beout = {}     #matrix of output text [row][attribute]
        beoutname = {} #list of BE names [row]
        be_space = {}  #space used totals for BE [BE name]['space_used','ibei']
        ibe = 0        #BE index
        spacecol = -1  #to contain column where space used is displayed
        for be in be_list:
            if 'orig_be_name' in be:
                cur_be = be['orig_be_name']
                cur_be_obj = be

            #if BE name specified, collect matching BEs
            if be_name is not None and not self.beMatch(be, be_name): 
            attrs = ()
            #identify BE|dataset|snapshot attributes
            att = ''
            for att in ('orig_be_name', 'dataset', 'snap_name'):
                if att in be and att in self.lattrs:
                    attrs = self.lattrs[att]
                    if att == 'orig_be_name':
                        be_space[cur_be] = {}
                        be_space[cur_be]['space_used'] = 0
                        be_space[cur_be]['ibe'] = ibe
                        if not ddh and len(cur_be) + 1 > bemaxout[0]:
                            bemaxout[0] = len(cur_be) + 1
            beout[ibe] = {}
            beoutname[ibe] = cur_be

            icol = 0 #first column
            for at in attrs:
                #for option -s, withhold subordinate datasets
                if self.__class__.__name__ == 'SnapshotList' and \
                    att == 'snap_name' and  'snap_name' in be and \
                    '/' in be[att]:
                #convert output to readable format and save
                save = self.getAttr(at, be, ddh, cur_be_obj)
                beout[ibe][at] = save
                #maintain maximum column widths
                if not ddh and len(save) + 1 > bemaxout[icol]:
                    bemaxout[icol] = len(save) + 1
                #sum all snapshots for BE
                if at == 'space_used' and 'space_used' in be:
                    spacecol = icol
                icol += 1 #next column
            ibe += 1
            if 'space_used' in be:
                #sum all snapshots and datasets for BE in 'beadm list'
                if isinstance(self, BEList):
                    be_space[cur_be]['space_used'] += be.get('space_used')
                elif cur_be in be_space and \
                    ('space_used' not in be_space[cur_be] or 
                        be_space[cur_be]['space_used'] == 0):
                    #list space used separately for other options
                    be_space[cur_be]['space_used'] = be.get('space_used')

        #output format total lengths for each BE with any snapshots
        for cur_be in be_space:
            save = self.getSpaceValue(be_space[cur_be]['space_used'], ddh)
            ibe = be_space[cur_be]['ibe']
            beout[ibe]['space_used'] = save
            #expand column if widest column entry
            if (spacecol != -1) and \
               (not ddh and len(save) + 1 > bemaxout[spacecol]):
                bemaxout[spacecol] = len(save) + 1

        #print headers in columns
        if not ddh:
            for header in self.hdr:
                outstr = ''
                for icol in range(len(header)):
                    outstr += header[icol].ljust(bemaxout[icol])
                if outstr != '': 
                    print outstr

        #print collected output in columns
        outstr = ''
        prev_be = None
        cur_be = None
        for ibe in beout: #index output matrix
            if beoutname[ibe] != None: 
                cur_be = beoutname[ibe]
            #find attributes for BE type
            curtype = None
            for att in ('orig_be_name', 'dataset', 'snap_name'):
                if att in beout[ibe]:
                    attrs = self.lattrs[att]
                    curtype = att

            if curtype == None: #default to BE
                curtype = 'orig_be_name'
                if 'orig_be_name' in self.lattrs:
                    attrs = self.lattrs['orig_be_name']
                else: attrs = ()

            if not ddh:
                if prev_be != cur_be and cur_be != None:
                    #for -d,-s,-a, print BE alone on line
                    if self.__class__.__name__ != 'BEList':
                        print cur_be
                    prev_be = cur_be

            #print for one BE/snapshot/dataset
            icol = 0 #first column

            #if this is a 'dataset' or 'snap_name', start line with BE 
            #name token
            if ddh and curtype != 'orig_be_name':
                outstr = cur_be

            for at in attrs: #for each attribute specified in table
                if ddh: #add separators for parsing
                    if outstr != '': 
                        outstr += ';' #attribute separator
                    if at in beout[ibe] and beout[ibe][at] != '-' and \
                        beout[ibe][at] != '':
                        outstr += beout[ibe][at]
                else: #append text justified in column
                    if at in beout[ibe]:
                        outstr += beout[ibe][at].ljust(bemaxout[icol])
                icol += 1 #next column

            if outstr != '': 
                print outstr
            outstr = ''

        return 0

    def beMatch(self, be, be_name):
        """find match on user-specified BE."""

        if 'orig_be_name' in be:
            return be.get('orig_be_name') == be_name
        if 'dataset' in be:
            if be.get('dataset') == be_name: 
                return True
            out = be.get('dataset').split("/")
            return out[0] == be_name
        if 'snap_name' in be:
            if be.get('snap_name') == be_name: 
                return True
            out = be.get('snap_name').split('@')
            if out[0] == be_name: 
                return True
            out = be.get('snap_name').split('/')
            return out[0] == be_name
        return False

    def getAttr(self, at, be, ddh, beobj):
        Extract information by attribute and format for printing
        returns '?' if normally present attribute not found - error.
        if at == 'blank': 
            return ' '
        if at == 'dash': 
            return '-'
        if at == 'orig_be_name':
            if at not in be: 
                return '-'
            ret = be[at]
            if ddh or self.__class__.__name__ == 'BEList':
                return ret
            return '   ' + ret #indent
        if at == 'snap_name':
            if at not in be: 
                return '-'
            if self.__class__.__name__ == 'CompleteList':
                ret = self.prependRootDS(be[at], beobj)
                ret = be[at]
            if ddh: 
                return ret
            return '   ' + ret #indent
        if at == 'dataset':
            if at not in be: 
                return '-'
            if self.__class__.__name__ == 'DatasetList' or \
               self.__class__.__name__ == 'CompleteList':
                ret = self.prependRootDS(be[at], beobj)
                ret = be[at]
            if ddh: 
                return ret
            return '   ' + ret #indent
        if at == 'active':
            if at not in be: 
                return '-'
            ret = ''
            if 'active' in be and be['active']: 
                ret += 'N'
            if 'active_boot' in be and be['active_boot']: 
                ret += 'R'
            if ret == '': 
                return '-'
            return ret
        if at == 'mountpoint':
            if at not in be: 
                return '-'
            if 'mounted' not in be or not be['mounted']: 
                return '-'
            return be[at]
        if at == 'space_used':
            if at not in be: 
                return '0'
            return self.getSpaceValue(be[at], ddh)
        if at == 'mounted':
            if at not in be: 
                return '-'
            return be[at]
        if at == 'date':
            if at not in be: 
                return '?'
            if ddh: 
                return str(be[at]) #timestamp in seconds
            sec = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(be[at]))
            return sec[0:len(sec)-3] #trim seconds
        if at == 'policy':
            if at not in be: 
                return '?'
            return be[at]
        if at == 'root_ds':
            if at not in be: 
                return '?'
            if ddh or self.__class__.__name__ == 'BEList':
                return be[at]
            return '   ' + be[at]
        if at == 'uuid_str':
            if at not in be: 
                return '-'
            return be[at]
        #default case - no match on attribute
        return be[at]

    def getSpaceValue(self, num, ddh):
        """Readable formatting for disk space size."""

        if ddh: 
            return str(num) #return size in bytes as string

        kilo = 1024.0
        mega = 1048576.0
        giga = 1073741824.0
        tera = 1099511627776.0

        if num == None: 
            return '0'
        if num < kilo: 
            return str(num) + 'B'
        if num < mega: 
            return str('%.1f' % (num / kilo)) + 'K'
        if num < giga: 
            return str('%.2f' % (num / mega)) + 'M'
        if num < tera: 
            return str('%.2f' % (num / giga)) + 'G'
        return str('%.2f' % (num / tera)) + 'T'

    def prependRootDS(self, val, beobj):
        """Prepend root dataset name with BE name stripped."""

        root_ds = beobj.get('root_ds')
        return root_ds[0:root_ds.rfind('/')+1] + val

"""Top level "beadm list" derived classes defined here.
        Only table definition is done here - all methods are in the base class.
        Tables driving list:
                hdr - list of text to output for each column
                lattrs - dictionary of attributes
                        Each entry specifies either BE, dataset, snapshot with
                        an attribute key:
                                orig_be_name - for BEs
                                dataset - for datasets
                                snap_name - for snapshots
                        Each list item in entry indicates specific datum for 
                Number of hdr columns must equal number of lattrs entries
                        unless ddh (dontDisplayHeaders) is true.
class BEList(listBootEnvironment):
    """specify header and attribute information for BE-only output"""

    def __init__(self, ddh):
        """Init function for the class."""
        self.hdr = \
            ('BE','Active','Mountpoint','Space','Policy','Created'), \
        if ddh:
            self.lattrs = {'orig_be_name':('orig_be_name', 'uuid_str', 
                           'active', 'mountpoint', 'space_used', 'policy', 
            self.lattrs = {'orig_be_name':('orig_be_name', 'active', 
                           'mountpoint', 'space_used', 'policy', 'date')}

class DatasetList(listBootEnvironment):
    specify header and attribute information for dataset output,
    -d option
    def __init__(self, ddh):
        """Init function for the class."""

        self.hdr = \
            ('BE/Dataset','Active','Mountpoint','Space','Policy','Created'), \
        if ddh:
            self.lattrs = { \
                'orig_be_name':('orig_be_name', 'root_ds', 'active', 
                'mountpoint', 'space_used', 'policy', 'date'), \
                'dataset':('dataset', 'dash', 'mountpoint', 'space_used', 
                'policy', 'date')}
            self.lattrs = { \
                'orig_be_name':('root_ds', 'active', 'mountpoint', 
                'space_used', 'policy', 'date'), \
                'dataset':('dataset', 'dash', 'mountpoint', 'space_used', 
                'policy', 'date')}

class SnapshotList(listBootEnvironment):
    specify header and attribute information for snapshot output,
    -s option
    def __init__(self, ddh):
        """Init function for the class."""

        self.hdr = \
            ('BE/Snapshot','Space','Policy','Created'), \
        self.lattrs = {'snap_name':('snap_name', 'space_used', 'policy',

class CompleteList(listBootEnvironment):
    specify header and attribute information for BE and/or dataset and/or
    snapshot output,
    -a or -ds options 
    def __init__(self, ddh):
        """Init function for the class."""

        self.hdr = \
    ('BE/Dataset/Snapshot','Active','Mountpoint','Space','Policy','Created'), \
        if ddh:
            self.lattrs = { \
                'orig_be_name':('orig_be_name', 'root_ds', 'active',
                'mountpoint', 'space_used', 'policy', 'date'),
                'dataset':('dataset', 'dash', 'mountpoint', 'space_used',
                'policy', 'date'),
                'snap_name':('snap_name', 'dash', 'dash', 'space_used',
                'policy', 'date')}
            self.lattrs = { \
                'orig_be_name':('root_ds', 'active', 'mountpoint',
                                'space_used', 'policy', 'date'), \
                'dataset':('dataset', 'dash', 'mountpoint', 'space_used',
                'policy', 'date'),
                'snap_name':('snap_name', 'dash', 'dash', 'space_used',
                'policy', 'date')}