view usr/src/cmd/man/src/util/nsgmls.src/include/types.h @ 0:c9caec207d52 b86

Initial porting based on b86
author Koji Uno <>
date Tue, 02 Jun 2009 18:56:50 +0900
children 1a15d5aaf794
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (c) 1994 James Clark
// See the file COPYING for copying permission.
#pragma ident	"@(#)types.h	1.4	00/07/17 SMI"

#ifndef types_INCLUDED
#define types_INCLUDED 1

#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>

namespace SP_NAMESPACE {

#if UINT_MAX >= 0xffffffffL /* 2^32 - 1 */
typedef unsigned int Unsigned32;
typedef unsigned long Unsigned32;

// Number holds values between 0 and 99999999 (eight nines).
typedef Unsigned32 Number;
typedef Unsigned32 Offset;
typedef Unsigned32 Index;


typedef wchar_t Char;
typedef unsigned short Char;

#if INT_MAX > 65535L
typedef int Xchar;
#else /* INT_MAX <= 65535L */
typedef long Xchar;
#endif /* INT_MAX <= 65535L */

#else /* not SP_MULTI_BYTE */

typedef unsigned char Char;
// This holds any value of type Char plus InputSource:eE (= -1).
typedef int Xchar;

#endif /* not SP_MULTI_BYTE */

typedef Unsigned32 UnivChar;
typedef Unsigned32 WideChar;

// A character in a syntax reference character set.
// We might want to compile with wide syntax reference characters
// (since they're cheap) but not with wide document characters.
typedef Unsigned32 SyntaxChar;

typedef unsigned short CharClassIndex;

typedef unsigned Token;

typedef unsigned short EquivCode;
typedef unsigned char EquivCode;


#endif /* not types_INCLUDED */