view src/std.c @ 27:1a070e843bf6

Fixed bugs with printing out and reading in numbers If infinity or NAN is passed to ftoa, it will set the character buffer to read either "INF" or "NAN" Negative decimals are now correctly read in by atof. abs() is now a part of the standard library. The math_ prefix has been dropped from all functions but the trivial binary operations. The strcpy function has been added.
author Jonathan Pevarnek <>
date Tue, 29 Mar 2011 22:05:03 -0400
parents c1ad124f2aaf
children cced4d365c5e
line wrap: on
line source

#include <std.h>

double abs(double num)
	if(num < 0) return num*-1;
	else return num;

char* itoa(s64 n, char *a, unsigned short base)
	char *ret = a;
	if(n < 0) {
		*a++ = '-';
		n *= -1;
	char *b = a;
	if(!n) *b++ = '0';
	for(; n; b++) {
		int temp = n%base;
		if(temp < 10) *b = '0' + temp;
		else *b = 'a' + temp - 10;
		n = n/base;
	*b-- = '\0';
	for(; a < b; a++, b--) { //reverse
		char temp = *b;
		*b = *a;
		*a = temp;
	return ret;

char* ftoa(double x, char *a, unsigned int prec)
	char *ret = a;
	if(x == INF || x == -INF) {
		strcpy(a, "INF");
	} else if(x != x) { //NAN != NAN
		strcpy(a, "NAN");
	} else {
		s64 n = (s64) x; //integer part
		double d = abs(x - (double) n); //fractional part;
		if(d != 0) sPrint("WORKING\n");
		itoa(n, a, 10);
		if(prec) { //only do the decimal part if decimal parts were asked for
			while(*a && *++a); //get to the null character from itoa
			int i; //counter variable for the for loop
			*a++ = '.'; //put the decimal in place
			for(i = 0; i < prec; i++) {
				d *= 10; //the integer part is the decimal digit
				char aoeu[43];
				sPrint(itoa((int) d, aoeu, 10));
				*a++ = ((int) d) + '0'; //add the integer part of d to the string
				d -= (int) d; //chop off the integer part
			} a--; //move back to the last digit
			while(*a != '.') {
				if(*a == '0') {
				} else if(*a > '0' && *a <= '9') {
				} else {
			*a = '\0';
	return ret;

s64 atoi(char *a)
	short neg = 0;
	s64 n = 0;
	if(*a == '-') {
		neg = 1;
	} else if(*a == '+') a++;
	while(*a >= '0' && *a <= '9')
		n = n*10 + (*a++ - '0');
	if(neg) n *= -1;
	return n;

double atof(char *a)
	s64 n = atoi(a);
	double x = 0;
	double dec = .1;
	short neg = 0;
	if(*a == '-') {
		neg = 1;
	while(*a != '.') {
		if(!(*a >= '0' && *a <= '9') && *a != '-') return n;
	} a++; //a will be immediately after the decimal point
	while(*a >= '0' && *a <= '9') { //goes through the decimal part
		x += (*a - '0')*dec;
		dec *= .1;
	if(neg) x*=-1;
	return n + x;

void sPrint(char *a)
	char *b = a;
	while(*b && *++b);
	do {
		putline(a, (b - a > CON_LEN)?CON_LEN:(b - a));
		a += CON_LEN;
	} while(a < b);

void strcpy(char *dest, const char *src)
	while((*dest++ = *src++));

int strcmp(const char *a, const char *b)
	while(1) {
		if(*a - *b) return *a - *b;
		if(*a == '\0') return 0;
	return -1;

char* sGet(char *a, unsigned int n)
	int length = getline(a, n);
	a[(length < n)?length:n - 1] = '\0';
	return a;

int arrayLookup(char *text, const char array[][10], int last)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < last; i++)
		if(!strcmp(array[i], text)) return i;
	return last;

char* append(char *dest, char *src)
	char *ret = dest;
	while(*dest&& *++dest); //get to null in first string
	while((*dest++ = *src++));
	return ret;

static Header base;
static Header *allocp = NULL; //the location of the last known free block

void malloc_init(size_t memSize)
	allocp = &base;
	allocp->size = 0;
	allocp->next = (void*)HEAP_START;
	allocp->next->next = &base;
	allocp->next->size = memSize/sizeof(blockUnit);
	if((sizeof(blockUnit)%sizeof(u64))) {
		char foo[40];
		sPrint(append("MEMORY BLOCK SIZE IS: ", append(itoa(sizeof(Header), foo, 10), "\n")));

void* malloc(size_t size)
	if(allocp == NULL) return NULL;
	size_t nUnits = ((size + sizeof(Header)) + sizeof(blockUnit) - 1)/sizeof(blockUnit);
	Header *prev = allocp;
	Header *cur, *temp;
	for(cur = prev->next;; prev = cur, cur = cur->next) {
		if(cur->size >= nUnits) {
			if(cur->size == nUnits) {
				prev->next = cur->next;
			} else {
				temp = cur + nUnits; //This requires sizeof(blockUnit) == sizeof(Header).  TODO fix
				temp->size = cur->size - nUnits;
				temp->next = cur->next;
				prev->next = temp;
				cur->size = nUnits;
			allocp = prev;
			return (void*)(cur + 1);
		} else if(cur == allocp) { //We went back to the start...
			return NULL;

void free(void *ptr)
	Header *toFree = (Header *)ptr - 1;
	Header *scan;
	for(scan = allocp; !(toFree > scan && toFree < scan->next); scan = scan->next)
		if(scan->next < scan && (toFree > scan || toFree < scan->next)) break;
	toFree->next = scan->next;
	scan->next = toFree;
	if(scan + scan->size == toFree) {
		scan->size += toFree->size;
		scan->next = toFree->next;
		toFree = scan;
	if(toFree + toFree->size == toFree->next) {
		toFree->size += toFree->next->size;
		toFree->next = toFree->next->next;

void printHeader(Header* head)
	char buffer[20];
	sPrint("Memory address is: ");
	sPrint(itoa((intptr_t)head, buffer, 16));
	sPrint("The size of the block is: ");
	sPrint(itoa(head->size, buffer, 10));
	sPrint("Next memory address is: ");
	sPrint(itoa((intptr_t)head->next, buffer, 16));

void printMem()
	Header *cur = allocp;
	do {
		cur = cur->next;
	} while(cur != allocp);
	sPrint("PRINTOUT DONE\n\n");