view src/fs.c @ 73:4c47b80ad9ac

Added a function, nextFreeBlock that determines the next free block in the filesystem after a given block
author Jonathan Pevarnek <>
date Tue, 26 Apr 2011 21:32:20 -0400
parents 7f312eb75ec0
children 36e6fc4a0487
line wrap: on
line source

#include <fs.h>
#include <std.h>
#include <tod.h>
#include <error.h>

static void* readFSBlock(u32 blkno);
static ErrCode writeFSBlock(u32 blkno, void *ptr);
static ErrCode sync(u32 blkno);
static ErrCode getBlockData(u32 blkno, void* ptr);
static ErrCode setFileSize(u32 fid, size_t size);
static ErrCode isBlockAt(u32 block, short *b);
static ErrCode setBlockAt(u32 block, short isBlock);
static ErrCode nextFreeBlock(u32 start, u32 *loc);
static u32 getCacheLoc(u32 blkno);
static u32 cacheAdd(u32 blkno);
static ErrCode setTod(Inode *inPtr);

static u32 DevID;
static u32 CacheCap; //how many blocks the cache can hold
static u32 CacheSize; //the current number of items in the cache
static FSBlk *FS_Cache = NULL; //A pointer to the actual cache
static u32 *CacheLocs; //what location each block points to
static u32 CacheNext; //the next location to toss a cached block into
static u32 rootLoc;
static u32 MaxBlocks;

ErrCode init_fs(u32 devnum, u64 __memsize)
	//Create the cache
	CacheCap = ((__memsize/100)/FSBLKSIZE)*CACHESPACE;
	//number of blocks to store in the cache
	FS_Cache = malloc(CacheCap*FSBLKSIZE);
	if(!FS_Cache) return mkError(MODFS, ALLOCFAIL, ERROR);
	CacheLocs = malloc(CacheCap);
	if(!CacheLocs) return mkError(MODFS, ALLOCFAIL, ERROR);
	CacheSize = 0;
	CacheNext = 0;

	DevID = find_dev(0x100);
	Superblock *sb;
	sb = readFSBlock(1);
	if(!sb) return ERR_FSBLKREADFAIL;
	if(sb->magic != FSMAGICNUM) return mkError(MODFS, MUGGLE, ERROR);
	MaxBlocks = sb->nblocks;
	rootLoc = sb->root_inode;

	return 0;

ErrCode getFInfo(u32 n, void* de)
	Inode *root = readFSBlock(rootLoc);
	if(!root) return ERR_FSBLKREADFAIL;
	if(n >= root->size/DEPBLK) return mkError(MODFS, OUTOFRANGE, WARN);
	Direntry *dp = readFSBlock(root->blocks[n/DEPBLK]);
	if(!dp) return ERR_FSBLKREADFAIL;
	memcpy(de, dp + n%DEPBLK, sizeof(Direntry));
	return 0;

//This sets *fid to be equal to the fileid of the file with name fname
ErrCode lookupFile(char *fname, u32 *fid)
	size_t i;
	for(i = 0; 1; i++) {
		Direntry de;
		ErrCode err = getFInfo(i, &de);
		if(err == mkError(MODFS, OUTOFRANGE, WARN)) break; //have iterated through all files
		else if(isError(err)) return err; //forward error
		if(!fnameCmp(fname, de.fname)) {
			*fid = de.inode;
			return 0;
	return mkError(MODFS, NOTFILE, ERROR);

//PRECON:  fid is a valid file id
//This sets *size equal to the size of the file
ErrCode getFileSize(u32 fid, u32 *size)
	Inode *ptr = readFSBlock(fid);
	if(!ptr) return ERR_FSBLKREADFAIL;
	*size = ptr->size;
	return 0;

//PRECON:  ptr points to a large enough location to hold all the data in file
//         fid
ErrCode getFileData(u32 fid, void *ptr)
	ErrCode ret = 0, err;
	int i;
	Inode in;
	if(isError(err = getBlockData(fid, &in))) {
		ret = err;
		goto end;

	u32 size = in.size;
	for(i = 0; i < in.nblocks; i++) {
		Inode *filePtr = readFSBlock(in.blocks[i]);
		if(!filePtr) {
			goto end;
		memcpy(ptr, filePtr, Min_u32(size, FSBLKSIZE));
		ptr += FSBLKSIZE;
		size -= FSBLKSIZE;

	return ret;

ErrCode setFileData(u32 fid, const void *ptr, size_t size)
	ErrCode ret = 0, err;
	unsigned int i;
	if(isError(err = setFileSize(fid, size))) {
		ret = err;
		goto end; 
	Inode in;
	if(isError(err = getBlockData(fid, &in))) {
		ret = err;
		goto end;

	for(i = 0; i < in.nblocks; i++) {
		Inode *filePtr = readFSBlock(in.blocks[i]);
		if(!filePtr) {
			goto end;
		memcpy(filePtr, ptr, Min_u32(size, FSBLKSIZE));
		if(isError(err = sync(in.blocks[i]))) {
			ret = err;
			goto end;
		ptr += FSBLKSIZE;
		size -= FSBLKSIZE;

	if(isError(err = setTod(&in))) { //sadly, this needs to be updated...
		ret = makeWarn(err); //everything else should still be good
	if(isError(err = writeFSBlock(fid, &in))) {
		ret = err;
		goto end;

	return ret;

void printFname(char *name)
	putline(name, 28);

//PRECON:  fname points to a location 28 characters long
//Sets fname to contain a filename entered by the user
void getFname(char *fname)
	int chars = getline(fname, FNAMELEN);
	for(;chars < FNAMELEN; chars++) {
		fname[chars] = ' ';

//Checks whether two file names are equal
int fnameCmp(const char *a, const char *b)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < FNAMELEN; i++, a++, b++) {
		if(*a - *b) return *a - *b;
	return 0;


//returns a pointer pointing to a location where the data from blkno will be
static void* readFSBlock(u32 blkno)
	u32 cacheLoc = getCacheLoc(blkno); //Do not reload if in cache
	if(cacheLoc == CacheCap) { //It was not found in the cache
		cacheLoc = cacheAdd(blkno);
		FSBlk *nextFSB = FS_Cache + cacheLoc;
		DskBlk *nextDSKB = (DskBlk *) nextFSB; //block to put data in
		if(fba_read_blk(DevID, blkno*2, nextDSKB)) return NULL;
		if(fba_read_blk(DevID, blkno*2 + 1, nextDSKB + 1)) return NULL;
	return (void *)(FS_Cache + cacheLoc);

//Writes 1024 bytes from *ptr to data block blkno
static ErrCode writeFSBlock(u32 blkno, void *ptr)
	u32 cacheLoc = getCacheLoc(blkno);
	ErrCode err;
	if(cacheLoc == CacheCap)
		cacheLoc = cacheAdd(blkno); //need room in cache for data
	FSBlk *nextFSB = FS_Cache + cacheLoc; //TODO abstraction levels?
	memcpy(nextFSB, ptr, FSBLKSIZE); //copy the data to the cache
	DskBlk *nextDSKB = (DskBlk *) nextFSB; //where to get the data from
	if(isError(err = fba_write_blk(DevID, blkno*2, nextDSKB))) return err;
	//load from the cache to the disk
	if(isError(err = fba_write_blk(DevID, blkno*2 + 1, nextDSKB + 1))) return err;
	short ib;
	if(isError(err = isBlockAt(blkno, &ib))) return err;
	if(!ib) {
		if(isError(err = setBlockAt(blkno, 1))) return makeWarn(err);
	return 0;

//updates the data in block blkno based upon the data in the cache.  If block
//blkno is not in the cache, returns non-zero
static ErrCode sync(u32 blkno)
	u32 cacheLoc = getCacheLoc(blkno);
	if(cacheLoc == CacheCap) return mkError(MODFS, NOTINCACHE, ERROR);
	FSBlk *nextFSB = FS_Cache + cacheLoc;
	DskBlk *nextDSKB = (DskBlk *) nextFSB; //where to get the data from
	if(fba_write_blk(DevID, blkno*2, nextDSKB)) return mkError(MODFS, BLKWRITEFAIL, ERROR);
	if(fba_write_blk(DevID, blkno*2 + 1, nextDSKB + 1)) return mkError(MODFS, BLKWRITEFAIL, ERROR);
	return 0;

static ErrCode getBlockData(u32 blkno, void* ptr)
	Inode *temp = readFSBlock(blkno);
	if(!temp) return ERR_FSBLKREADFAIL;
	memcpy(ptr, temp, FSBLKSIZE);
	return 0;

//sets the file to have a size equal to size.  The data will be preserved if
//the file is currently larger than that or will be jibberish if the file is
//currently smaller
static ErrCode setFileSize(u32 fid, size_t size) //TODO clean
	ErrCode ret = 0, err;
	unsigned int i;
	u16 neededBlocks = (size + FSBLKSIZE - 1)/FSBLKSIZE;
	if(neededBlocks > MAXBLOCKS) {
		goto end;
	Inode in;
	if(isError(err = getBlockData(fid, &in))) {
		ret = err;
		goto end;

	if(in.nblocks >= neededBlocks) { //get rid of some blocks
		for(i = neededBlocks; i < in.nblocks; i++) { //if it is equal, will skip this loop
			if(isError(err = setBlockAt(in.blocks[i], 0))) {
				ret = err;
				goto end;
	} else { //there are fewer blocks
		for(i = in.nblocks; i < neededBlocks; i++) {
			if(isError(err = nextFreeBlock(in.blocks[i - 1], &in.blocks[i]))) {
				ret = err;
				goto end;
			if(isError(err = setBlockAt(in.blocks[i], 1))) {
				ret = err;
				goto end;
	in.nblocks = neededBlocks;
	in.size = size;
	if(isError(err = setTod(&in))) {
		ret = makeWarn(err);
	if(isError(err = writeFSBlock(fid, &in))) {
		ret = err;
		goto end;

	return ret;

static ErrCode isBlockAt(u32 block, short *b)
	u32 inBlock = block/(8*FSBLKSIZE) + 2; //which block the bit is in
	u32 blockSpot = (block%(8*FSBLKSIZE))/8; //which u8 the bit is in
	u32 spotSpot = 7 - block%8; //which bit the bit is
	u8 *ptr = readFSBlock(inBlock);
	if(!ptr) return ERR_FSBLKREADFAIL;
	*b = (ptr[blockSpot] >> spotSpot) & 1;
	return 0;

//sets the block table to indicate whether there is a block at block
static ErrCode setBlockAt(u32 block, short isBlock)
	u32 inBlock = block/(8*FSBLKSIZE) + 2; //which block the bit is in
	u32 blockSpot = (block%(8*FSBLKSIZE))/8; //which u8 the bit is in
	u32 spotSpot = 7 - block%8; //which bit the bit is
	u8 *ptr = readFSBlock(inBlock);
	if(!ptr) return ERR_FSBLKREADFAIL;
	if(isBlock) ptr[blockSpot] |= 1 << spotSpot;
	else ptr[blockSpot] &= ~(1 << spotSpot);
	ErrCode err;
	if(isError(err = sync(inBlock))) return err;
	return 0;

static ErrCode nextFreeBlock(u32 start, u32 *loc)
	u32 i;
	ErrCode err;
	for(i = start; i < MaxBlocks; i++) {
		short ib;
		if(isError(err = isBlockAt(i, &ib))) return err;
		if(!ib) {
			*loc = i;
			return 0;
	return mkError(MODFS, DISKFULL, ERROR);

//TODO ErrCode?
static u32 getCacheLoc(u32 blkno)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < CacheSize; i++) {
		if(CacheLocs[i] == blkno) return i;
	return CacheCap;

//PRECON:   block blkno is not already in the cache
//Returns the location in the cache where the data is
//sets aside space in the cache for some item.  NOTE: this does not read the
//current contents of the disk to the cache
static u32 cacheAdd(u32 blkno)
	u32 ret = CacheNext;
	CacheLocs[CacheNext] = blkno;
	if(CacheSize != CacheCap) CacheSize += 1;
	if(CacheNext != CacheCap - 1) CacheNext += 1;
	else CacheNext = 0;
	return ret;

//TODO consider what to do in other places if this returns a warning/error
static ErrCode setTod(Inode *inPtr)
	u64 tod;
	ErrCode ret;
	ret = get_tod(&tod);
	inPtr->mtime = tod >> 12;
	return ret;